I Have Buyers In Waiting
I have 3,875+ buyers in my database looking for a home in the area. It is likely that the buyer for your home is already in my database - Your home may already be sold!
Your Home will sell for $8,730 more
We sell our clients homes for an average of 2.91% more money compared to the average area agent. On a $300,000 home, that's an extra $8,730 more money in your pocket.
Your Home will sell 2 Times Faster
I sell our clients homes on average in only 51 days while the average area agent sells theirs in 101 days.
Your Home is more likely to Sell
Not only do I sell our clients homes for more money and faster than average area agent, your home is more likely to sell. Lee's homes are 21% more likely to sell than the average agent.
© 2024 Get Your Home Sold Fast. All Rights Reserved.
I Have Buyers In Waiting
I have 3,875+ buyers in my database looking for a home in the area. It is likely that the buyer for your home is already in my database - Your home may already be sold!
Your Home will sell for $8,730 more
We sell our clients homes for an average of 2.91% more money compared to the average area agent. On a $300,000 home, that's an extra $8,730 more money in your pocket.
Your Home will sell 2 Times Faster
I sell our clients homes on average in only 51 days while the average area agent sells theirs in 101 days.
Your Home is more likely to Sell
Not only do I sell our clients homes for more money and faster than average area agent, your home is more likely to sell. Lee's homes are 21% more likely to sell than the average agent.
© 2024 Get Your Home Sold Fast. All Rights Reserved.